The {{KW|STRIG(n)}} statement controls event trapping for a particular joystick or game pad device button. {{PageSyntax}} ::STRIG({{Parameter|button%}}) {ON|OFF|STOP} QB64 {{PageSyntax}} ::STRIG[(''button_function%''[, ''device_number%''])] {ON|OFF|STOP} {{PageDescription}} * {{Parameter|button function}} specifies the device's button function. Even functions record events while odd ones read the actual presses. * '''QB64''' can designate a button function and controller device number from 0 to 256. * When no parameters are used '''QB64''' enables, disables or suspends the reading of ALL button events. * [[STRIG(n)|ON]] specifies that event trapping is turned on for the specified button. * [[STRIG(n)|OFF]] specifies that event trapping is turned off for the specified button. * If {{KW|STRIG(n)|STOP}} is specified, event trapping is suspended for the specified button. Further joystick button events are remembered and trapped, in order, after the next {{KW|STRIG(n)|STRIG(n) ON}} statement is used. ''Example:'' {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|ON STRIG(n)|ON STRIG}}(0) {{Cl|GOSUB}} 10 {{Cl|STRIG(n)|STRIG}}(0)ON DO {{Cl|PRINT}} "."; {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 30 {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} <> "" {{Cl|END}} 10 a$ = "[STRIG 0 EVENT]" {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} x = 1 {{Cl|TO}} {{Cl|LEN}}(a$) {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|MID$}}(a$, x, 1); {{Cl|_DELAY}} 0.02 {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|RETURN}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[ON STRIG(n)]] {{text|(event statement)}} * [[STRIG]], [[STICK]] {{text|(functions)}} * [ Single and Dual Stick Controllers] {{PageNavigation}}