How to change the AI of the game? --------------------------------- "Hegemony 3.0.e" has a non-cheating AI (artificial intelligence) included in the main block of the program. So the framework of the AI is rather stiff, but on the other hand, there are several changeable variables that are loaded from external files. These ".ai" files give the AI different behaviours. The variables, and their recommended range are listed below: 1. foodweight (0-1) = significance of food when evaluating a territory 2. prodweight (0-1) = significance of resources when evaluating a territory 3. hateweight (0-10) = importance of hate (for conquered territories) in diplomatic actions 4. diplweight (0-10) = importance of diplomacy in evaluating a situation 5. friendliness (0-10) = proneness to improve diplomatic relations 6. chance (0-1) = unpredictability 7. trustweight (0-10) = importance of diplomatic trust of other empires 8. remoteweight (0-10) = proneness to improve relations with not neighbouring countries 9. mintrust (0-1) = trust value that prevents negative diplomatic actions 10. aitrade (0-1) = the wish to make trade 11. aifriend (0-1) = the wish to make friends 12. aially (0-1) = the wish to make alliance 13. minmorale (0-1) = the minimum limit of morale in case of full employment 14. mintax (0-1) = minimum limit of tax 15. feardipl(1) (0-1) = fear that an enemy attacks 16. feardipl(2) (0-1) = fear that a neutral country attacks 17. feardipl(3) (0-1) = fear that a trading partner attacks 18. feardipl(4) (0-1) = fear that a friend attacks 19. feardipl(5) (0-1) = fear that an ally attacks 20. warmilitary (0-1) = the weight (proportion) of military investments at war 21. peacemilitary (0-1) = the weight (proportion) of military investments at peace 22. aibuilding (0-1) = the chance that the rest of money (after the military investments) will be spent on building churches, productive properties and ships, AND NOT on science 23. aichurch (0-1) = the proportion of money to be spent on churches, if the AI decides on building 24. aimill (0-1) = the proportion of money to be spent on mills, if the AI decides on building 25. ainavy (0-1) = the proportion of money to be spent on navy, if the AI decides on building 26. aiuni (0-1) = the chance that the AI builds universities instead of developing sciences 27. aiscience(1) (0-1) = the proportion of agriculture in science developments 28. aiscience(2) (0-1) = the proportion of industry in science developments 29. aiscience(3) (0-1) = the proportion of trade in science developments 30. aiscience(4) (0-1) = the proportion of sailing in science developments 31. aiscience(5) (0-1) = the proportion of military in science developments 32. aiscience(6) (0-1) = the proportion of medicine in science developments 33. landorsea (0-1) = the importance of land compared to sea (1 = absolute priority for land; 0 = absolute priority for sea) 34. planning (0-100) = the length of foresight in turns, for military investments 35. myfactor (1-999) = the AI begins to turn against the most powerful country and tries to make alliances with other countries, if the biggest empire is stronger than "myfactor" times its own value, and... 36. avgfactor (1-999) = ..."avgfactor" times stronger than the average value of a country. If you need more info, send me an e-mail. I will try to give you a more detailed description. Akos Ivanyi